
NSSAC COVID-19 Summary


Situation Report:

Fig 1:

Spain cases

Merged data csv

Table 1: Situation summary

  JHU BOP NIHFogarty Tencent
First update logged 01/22/20 01/06/20 01/13/20 02/11/20
Last update logged 03/20/20 03/18/20 03/13/20 03/20/20
Method Cases by day & country list Public line list Public line list Daily cases in country scrape
First known case 01/22/20 01/31/20 01/31/20 02/11/20
Total confirmed cases 20410 981 116 13
New cases since yesterday 2447      
Total suspected       0
Total hospitalized   1 9  
Total recovered 1588 0   2
Total deaths 1043 0 0 0

Data sources: BOP, JHU, NIH-Fogarty, Tencent

Sitrep csv

Geographic dispersal:

Fig 2:

Spain mapped

Table 2: Confirmed cases by location

source loc_name confirmed
NIH Andalusia 44
NIH Cantabria 10
NIH Valencia 7
NIH Castile and Leon 7
NIH Extremadura 6
NIH Tenerife 6
NIH Catalonia 6
NIH Madrid 5
NIH Aragon 5
NIH Basque Country 4
NIH Barcelona 3
NIH Castilla-La Mancha 3
NIH La Rioja 2
NIH Navarra 2
NIH Castille and Leon 1
NIH Zaragoza 1
NIH Castellon 1
NIH Canary Islands 1
NIH Mallorca 1
NIH Asturias 1
JHU Spain 20410
BOP Pais Vasco 147
BOP La Rioja 81
BOP Catalonia 70
BOP Andalusia 44
BOP Castilla y Leon 29
BOP Castilla La Mancha 25
BOP Valencian Community 23
BOP Cantabria 20
BOP Canary Islands 20
BOP Aragon 13
BOP Baleares 9
BOP Principado de Asturias 6
BOP Galicia 6
BOP Extremadura 5
BOP Region de Murcia 4
BOP Navarra 3
BOP Castilla-La Mancha 2

Data sources: BOP, JHU, Natural Earth, NIH-Fogarty, Tencent

Case points geojson

Case admin1 locs geojson

Observed case clusters:

Fig 3:

Spain cases

Data source: NIH-Fogarty

Fig 4:

Spain cases

Data source: BOP

Fig 5:

Spain network

Data source: NIH-Fogarty

Data sources: